Brand Development

Make Unique Statements. Become a Unique Symbol. Your Brand is your Identity.

With AIDA Creatives, you build a brand that customers will love talking about. 

Effective branding combines print and digital brand elements. We develop brand strategies that drive your business performance, generate leads, and accomplish your goals. 

We do this through up-to-date, comprehensive market research and persuasive communication.  We’ll make your brand shine brighter than a Met Gala outfit.

What We Offer

AIDA Creatives specializes in designing comprehensive brand strategies that encompass key elements such as brand identity, positioning, architecture, equity, monitoring, and evolution. We provide a range of services to leave an eternal impression on your clientele, online and offline. 

Discover the scope of our branding services below.

Company Brand Guidelines

We help develop your brand’s visual identity, values, messaging, and tone. Stay consistent with the overall look and feel of your brand across all communication channels via company brand guidelines. 

Brand guideline development typically involves:

Color Palette Specifications

Typography and Font Usage

Brand Tone of Voice and Messaging Guidelines

Visual Style and Brand Imagery 

Usage Guidelines for Brand Assets 

Brand Positioning and Differentiation Statements

Guidelines for Digital and Print Applications

AIDA Creatives helps you make your brand unforgettable. A consistent look and message across all platforms builds trust and recognition, leading to stronger customer engagement and, according to studies, up to 23% more revenue. The key is to be adaptable, not robotic.

Logo Creation

Your brand deserves a first impression that does not only last; but also compels. Our branding experts and graphic designers work together to create logos as bold and expressive as your brand’s vision. 

Our logo creation services encompass:

Concept Development

Typography and Color Palette Curation

Symbol Design

Logo Usage Guidelines

File Formatting for Digital and Print Media

A strong logo acts as a cornerstone of brand identity, instantly recognizable by a whopping 75% of consumers. Think of the iconic swoosh or the bitten apple; these logos spark immediate brand recognition without needing a single word. A strong logo can make a positive first impression that sticks.

Print Collateral

The impact of printed branding material always lasts longer. In terms of marketing, it engages audiences across multiple channels and boosts the effectiveness of online campaigns by up to 400%. Work with us and witness your numbers reflect this statistic. 

We help you develop the finest print collateral, including:

Visiting cards





Newspaper Ads

Remember: Even in our digital world, print collateral packs a punch.  A study revealed a surprising fact:  67% of people consider physical mail more personal than digital messages.  That’s right, a well-designed brochure or flier can cut through the noise of overflowing inboxes and make a real connection!

Physical Branding

Create stronger brand connections and elevate customer satisfaction plus loyalty with branded products or spaces. AIDA Creatives helps you use your physical environment to communicate your brand’s identity effectively.

We design and manage physical branding elements, including:

Name Boards


Theater Ads

Mall Displays

Did you know that physical branding goes beyond visuals too? Here’s a tip to elevate your physical branding efforts: Plan to incorporate elements like scent, sound, and texture to create a more immersive and memorable brand experience. 

Event-Based Branding and Marketing

We help you create a buzz around your brand with our branding solutions, including targeted promotions and event marketing.

We look after:

Product Launches and Press Meets

Promotional Theater or Video Advertisements

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you recommend a customized budget for end-to-end brand development?

Yes, we can. Your budget will depend upon the scope of the services you wish to enlist. Get in touch with us to discuss a brand development plan.

Is web design also important to branding?

Yes, it is. Website design demonstrates how you do business and what sets you apart. Most importantly, it's where customers can feel satisfied with their first interaction with you. 

Do you do market research for brand development? What does it include?

Yes, we do. AIDA Creatives' market research methodology includes, but is not limited to:

  • Market position mapping
  • Online competitive audits
  • Customer identification through persona building
  • Drafting of employee and customer surveys

We utilize any other research methods to plan the most suitable next steps for your branding. 

What elements does a brand involve?

Typically, a brand involves a name, a logo, an overall aesthetic, a tone, and often a tagline. Your brand embodies the characteristics and perception of your product or service.